O.T.R. Media...

Want to get your demo in this guy's hands?

Despite what the picture above shows, it's not as easy as "Photoshopping" your CD into L.A. Reid's hand. Such being the case, O.T.R. Media was created by Omar, Tambra and Rachael (hence the name). Our goal is to create innovative and inexpensive ways to generate exposure for unsigned artists--both our business practices and clientèle are "off the radar" (yet another acronym for O.T.R.). We are currently creating a set of templates for electronic press kits that will help usher in a new form of viral marketing. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) estimates that overall music sales have dropped 15% within the last year. This means that if you are an aspiring artist it is more crucial than ever to develop a fan base, cater to them and have tangible proof that you know your audience. Why wait for an industry executive to do for you what you can do for yourself? Take your career into your own hands and become friends with O.T.R. Media.

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